FODS2XML is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

Convert OpenOffice.org Calc FODS XML to a meaningful XML representation of simple tabular data.


A couple of XSLT 2.0 files to help convert OpenOffice.org 3 Calce FODS XML documents to "meaningful" XML. This process assumes that the data is arranged a tabular data with one table per sheet in the workbook, titles in the first row (which are valid XML element names), and with no extraneous data laying around!

Right now it is quick and dirty, but anyone who wants to submit patches is welcome to do so, or take and do what you will (see License below).


This code is released under a simplified BSD license (See: COPYING).


Right now this is a two stage process and relies on Saxon 9.

To convert from FODS to the intermediate tabular XML:

saxon -xsl:fods2tbl.xsl -s:<your FODS XML> collimit=<last column in table as integer>

Once you have an intermediata tabular XML file you can then convert it to the meaningful format using this:

saxon -xsl:tbl2data.xsl -s:<your tabular XML file>

Quick, dirty, easy, and somewhat useful to me at least!

// 19th August 2010, Geoff Teale.
