Home > Foodshed-Open-Data-Standard


Foodshed-Open-Data-Standard is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

This is new specification for foodshed data

==Open Standard for Foodshed Data== We are building an Open Standard for Foodshed Data.

We need this to help normalize data that we are displaying, sharing and contributing. This is a draft specification and we are looking for advice from people who work with these different datasets on a regular basis to help inform the standard.


  • Open Standard for Foodshed Data v0.3 [http://foodshed.codeforamerica.org/index.php/MetaData/Data_Standards_Projects#Open_Foodshed_Data_Standard_v0.3 ] 3/25/2011 (Chach Sikes, @chachasikes, [email protected]