Home > FourHundred


FourHundred is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, it's free.

A code walkthrough of Core Graphics. I wrote this to teach myself Core Graphics, and completed it over the course of a few days.

What kind of magic can you cook up in Core Graphics with 400 pixel sides? Here's mine..

Happy Coding!

Running it

Just run the app in your simulator to see the magic happen. You can run it on your device too - though you might consider disabling the file-saving. Also, don't forget to change the 400x400 dimensions to 320x320 so all of it is visible.

Saving the picture

Uncomment the line in FourHundredView.m and add your own path there:

//[self createJPEGWithRect:frame filename:@"/Users/toulouse/test.jpeg"];

Note that PNG output is weird for stuff with partial opacity, which is true for the view created here.
