Home > fpga_blackjack


Fpga_blackjack is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Simple blackjack game (very basic version) written in Verilog HDL for the Altera DE-2 Delta FPGA board. Uses the onboard LCD with HD44780 controller.

Simple blackjack game written in Verilog HDL for the Altera DE-2 Delta FPGA board. Uses the onboard LCD with HD44780 controller for displaying various messages.

FPGA: Cyclone II EP2C35 F672C6

Project written with Quartus II. Also Modelsim 6.5d was used for testing. The pin assignments are located in 'atom_netlists/blackjack_lcd.v' and can be imported in Quartus II.

Register transfer level (RTL) style of coding.
