Home > Frank.php


Frank.php is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

Like Sinatra.rb, but in PHP.

Frank.php is a clone of Sinatra.rb. It's much like Sinatra, with a few things missing (because php is stupid, or because I haven't gotten around to it yet).

What Frank.php is missing:

  1. Spiffy template languages like haml and sass.
  2. Error handling besides not_found(function(){});
  3. Environments
  4. Testing
  5. Routes with a block parameter. You'll have to use $params['captures'][0] instead.

Here is Sinatra's hello world: require 'sinatra'

get "/" do "Hello, World" end

And here is Frank.php's hello world: require 'frank/frank.php';

get("/", function(){ echo "Hello, World"; });

As you can see, they're fairly similar. Check out index.php for more examples.
