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Geographic Information System - GRASS

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Resampling and interpolation of raster maps: Generates a map of areas at risk of flooding at a resolution of 5 m. The areas at risk of flooding those whose altitude is below 1450 m and its slope is less than 3 º. The map generated shows the relief and curves level, roads, rivers and flood risk areas in red

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Conversion: Generates a map of the Spearfish National Park (plot 63 on the map fields), showing the relief and contour lines inside the park and roads and rivers all over the map.

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Creation of an elevation model: A macro to generate the digital elevation model at a resolution of 15 m from the active region from vector map contours. To do this we create a vector map of contour lines restricted to the active region and create a map by interpolation v.surf.rst. To reduce the computing time interpolated to a lower resolution first, then build the final model.

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Raster Analysis: Search potential locations for a brewery in the light you need to have water (no more than 200 m) and be close to a road other than the interstate (within 200 m). Moreover, the field should be level (less than 6 meters), with no less than 22,000 m2.

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Simulation: Simulate the growth of a fire, assuming:

  • The wind blows from the northwest.
  • The combustion process of a cell passes through four states: no burning, overheating, burning and burned.
  • The fire may spread to neighboring cells in the direction of the wind.
  • Time is on fire the cell depends on the forest.
  • The time it takes to burn the cell depends on the vegetation.
  • Only fire spread cells that are burning. Neighboring cells, from the direction from which the wind blows, which was burning a pass to overheat and then burn.

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Shortest path: the macro will read the position of the ends of the channel getting the height of both points in the elevation map. Generate a cost surface for the first point. After calculating the shortest path to the drain point on this surface. The cost Unit will estimate using data from the table, depending on the height of the cell and height to which would be the channel. If the gap between the ends of the channel is small, we can assume that the channel height is constant and equal to that of the shot, would simplify the calculation.

======================================================================== ================================ p8.sh ================================

It is increasingly important to the prevention of forest fires, due to lower of forest that occurs during periods of drought in Spain and especially in Andalucia. Then we develop a scritp through grass to help you visualize on vegetation maps, the area where will the firewall. The script presents a map where the user determines the starting point and purpose of the firewall. It will generate a simulated fire situation in each instant of time, to complete the distance occupied by the firewall.