Home > FSMarkdownLoader


FSMarkdownLoader is a project mainly written in Objective-C, based on the View license.

Loads Key-Value data from a Markdown file into an NSDictionary.


Using a very loose sort of non-schema, loads key/value data from a Markdown file.


  • Objective-C and the Apple Foundation library (or some equivalent)
  • RegexKitLite


Example of Markdown source:

This is a Markdown file.

**This is a key**: `and a value`

# This is a header  
**A generic key**: `value`  

## And a subheader  
**With another key**: `which has`, `two values`

# And another header  
I can include a description at the top  
**With my final key**: `5` and I can actually just type here to comment things if I so choose  
I can also include a description at the bottom.

Run through FSMarkdownLoader, it will generate this:

INFO: Interpeted Markdown: {
    "And another header" =     {
        "With my final key" = 5;
    "This is a header" =     {
        "A generic key" = value;
        "With another key" =         (
            "which has",
            "two values"
    "This is a key" = "and a value";

The output is intelligent and what you might expect it to be. An NSDictionary with NSNumber objects for numbers and booleans, NSNull for ~, NSDictionarys for sub-headers, and NSString for anything and everything else. Multiple values for a single key are put into an NSArray.