Home > funprototypes.vim


Funprototypes.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

automatic insert function prototypes in your code

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3459

Introdution: This script is only for C language. You just press the key which you mapped can automatic insert/replace the all funtions' prototypes in your source code. Preview:


// The four lines below are automatic added by funprototypes.vim! /**"
funtion prototypes *"
void fun_1();

    printf("Hello, VIM!

int main()
   return 0;


  1. let g:fun_prototypes_static_first = 0

    if g:fun_prototypes_static_first is 0, then the static functions will insert before the global funtions. <default is 0>

  2. let g:fun_prototypes_skip_fun_list=["main"]

    This list contains the functions which you don't want funprototypes.vim to add. eg: int main(){} //skip int _main(){} //doesn't skip

  3. let g:fun_prototypes_static_fun_start_list=["static"]

    This list contains the functions which are defined as static/LOCAL functions.

  4. let g:fun_prototypes_header = /**" let g:fun_prototypes_body = " funtion prototypes *" let g:fun_prototypes_footer = ***/"

    These three lines will insert before first function define. If you only want single line, should define like below: eg: let g:fun_prototypes_header = "" let g:fun_prototypes_body = "/*funtion prototypes*****/" let g:fun_prototypes_footer = "" Attention:If these three lines have already inserted in source code, the functions' prototypes will insert after these three lines! Usage: Copy this file to ~/.vim/plugin or to /vimfiles/plugins/ (on win32)

    Add the key map (default is fd) in your .vimrc or _vimrc (on win32) default: nnoremap fd :call FunProto()
