Home > futonFinder


FutonFinder is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

A Chrome Extension that tries to locate running instances of CouchDB when you browse to a domain.

Futon Finder

Version 1.0-UNRELEASED

Currently only meant for developers.

Futon Finder is a Chrome Extension that checks the domains you are browsing to see if there is a running instance of CouchDB on port 5984. For example, if you are at http://www.example.com then the extension will attempt an AJAX call to http://www.example.com:5984. If there is a valid response it will pop up a desktop notification.


jQuery Used for AJAX and the desktop notification.

jQuery.bbq Used in the desktop notification for parsing the query string.


Futon Finder is released under the Apache License, version 2.0. See the file named LICENSE for more information.
