Home > fx2fpga


Fx2fpga is a project mainly written in VHDL, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

HW:PCB & VHDL to interface an FX2LP chip to a Digilent S3BOARD.

The FX2FPGA board is a small PCB which plugs into the A2 port of a Digilent S3BOARD. It offers a Hi-Speed USB port and an SD-card slot, and uses the Cypress FX2LP chip to manage USB transfers.

pcb - the design of the printed circuit board
vhdl - the FPGA design; you'll need Xilinx ISE WebPack to use this

There are some utilities in the fx2tools package for interacting with the FX2LP, including a bulk-write with benchmark and checksum options. Data written to bulk EP6 of the FX2LP will be written to the FPGA. The FPGA keeps a cumulative checksum of the incoming data, and displays it on the FPGA board's 7-seg display. The FPGA's checksum should be the same as the one calculated by the host side.

You can get the bulk write tool and the FX2LP firmware from here:


  • Chris McClelland 2010-08-14