Home > G4Btools


G4Btools is a project mainly written in PYTHON and C, it's free.

Google 4 business tools

This is a project to show Google Apps Enterprise information in a quick mode to authenticated users. Will use the Google Apps username as validation token. Once validated, a website will show some parameters of the Google Apps ecosystem, like -Gmail users, blocked users, % space used, IMAP users -Groups, members and security settings -Postini quarantined mails from gmail users -Docs' last edition (who, when) -User privileges, license status

Using as a reference the new doc at http://code.google.com/intl/en/appengine/docs/python/gettingstartedpython27/

NOTA sobre threadsafe en app.yaml Si threadsafe=True, la aplicacion la refiero como helloworld.app Si threadsafe=False, la aplicacion la refiero como helloworld.py

CURRENT ISSUES= cansado de tener problemas de librerias en python, todo diferente dentro del Aptana, usando el GAE launcher, subiendo a google, todo resultados diferentes. Los python paths son todos diferentes, ya no se si debo poner librerias en el SRC, o enlazarlas, o instalarlas en sistema y esperar a que runtime lo encuentre
