Home > gambit-android-example


Gambit-android-example is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

An example project for running Gambit Scheme on android

This is an example project for using gambit scheme on android.

Project has been moved from eclipse to netbeans. netbeans generates an ant build.xml so no ide is needed. If you chose to use netbean I am using the nbandroid plugin here: http://kenai.com/projects/nbandroid/pages/Home Now with a one-click install and run.

You will need to change the "build.xml" (line 94) in the root directory to whatever you wish to sign with.


scheme files are in /jni scheme files are compiled via ant with "compileScheme.sh" in /jni

Adding a new scheme function requires:

adding the function in the scheme file and c-declaring it (currently jnifib.scm) editing the jni files to add your function (currently jni est-jni.c and jniorg_seanchapel_gambittest.h) adding the native function to the java file (currently srcorgseanchapelgambittestgambitMainActivity.java)

As of the latest git version of gambit you can compile without having to do any patching. I used this to compile it:

export ANDROID_ROOT=/Users/seanchapel/android-ndk-r4b/build export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_ROOT/prebuilt/darwin-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/ export LD=arm-eabi-ld export AR=arm-eabi-ar export STRIP=arm-eabi-strip export RANLIB=arm-eabi-ranlib export CC=arm-eabi-gcc export CXX=arm-eabi-g++ export PREFIX=$ANDROID_ROOT/../gambc ./configure --enable-single-host --prefix=$PREFIX -host=arm-eabi CC=arm-eabi-gcc CPPFLAGS="-DANDROID -I$ANDROID_ROOT/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/include/ -fno-short-enums" CFLAGS="-DANDROID -fno-short-enums -I$ANDROID_ROOT/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/include/ -nostdlib" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath-link=$ANDROID_ROOT/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/lib/ -L$ANDROID_ROOT/platforms/android-5/arch-arm/usr/lib" LIBS="-lc -ldl" make

Note that building will fail for gsi however all you need is libgambc.so .
