Home > ganeti_client


Ganeti_client is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Ruby client for Google Ganeti

== About

This is a client for the Ganeti RAPI written in Ruby.
For more information on Ganeti, visit:
    - http://code.google.com/p/ganeti/
    - http://ganeti-doc.googlecode.com/svn/ganeti-2.1/html/rapi.html

This client has been tested using ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174)
and Ganeti 2.1.6

== Installation

gem install ganeti_client

== Usage

When using irb require the library first

require 'ganeti_client'

# When using in combination of rails, add it to the Gemfile

# Create a client instance
client = GanetiClient::Client.new("host:port", "username", "password")

# now you should be able to access the api resources by using the client instance. 
# example:
info = client.info_get
=> #<GanetiInfo:0x10151bb78>

# most methods return an object. When you use .to_json on an object, you get 
# the json object returned
# then you can see all the attributes available
=> "hostname"

# More info can be found on the wiki page: http://wiki.github.com/netronix/ganeti_client/

== Contributing

1. Fork the project
2. Add your changes
3. Write tests for your changes
4. Send a pull request

== Author

Michaël Rigart 
[email protected]

== License

This Ruby Ganeti Client is release under AGPL licence (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html)