Home > gawkercheck


Gawkercheck is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

Quick python script to see if your email address was exposed by their breach

This is a really simple script to that takes a list of emails from stdin and checks that email against the emails exposed Gawker's security breach.

Because Gawker didn't used irreversable hashes in their database, every user's password could be decrypted very easily.

Test your own email::

echo "[email protected]" | ./locate.py

If your email is printed, then you need to start resetting your password on sites that have the same password as Gawker's sites.

Test against your gmail contacts (Exported using the "Google CSV" format)::

 cat google.csv | ./extract_gmail_addresses.py | ./locate.py

Now email your friends to let them know they're up shit's creek.

Source Data: http://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?dsrcid=350662
