Home > gccsingle.vim


Gccsingle.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Quick run single C source file

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3740

    This is a smart utility for quick run single c source file in vim.

    It has follow features:
            1. Use gcc compiler.
            2. Compile and run single c source file just one command.
            3. Program's output is showing below the source file in a new window.
            4. You can hide the output window easily.
            5. When there are some errors, quick window will automatically appears.
            6. When there is no error, quick window hides automatically.
            7. When you compile it, source code is saved by the script, so you need not to save it.
            8. Only three commands, easily to remember, easily to use.

    The most cool things are:
            1. Run source file just one command.
            2. Quick window shows and hides automatically.
            3. Everything happened in vim, no ugly command window.

Screenshot Has bugs, quick window appears http://vimer.1063083.n5.nabble.com/Quickfix-window-td4791439.html

    No bug, output in vim, no command window