Home > gcit2ghi


Gcit2ghi is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Imports issues from Google Code Issue Tracker to GitHub Issues :: Unmaintained


This is a simple script to convert from Google Code Issue Tracker to GitHub Issues.


ruby gcit2ghi.rb project user repo password

project - Google Code project user - GitHub user name repo - GitHub repository name password - GitHub user password

If you have more than 500 issues or more than 500 comments for an issue, modify the MAX_RESULTS constant in gcit2ghi.rb.


1) ruby - Programming Language 2) nokogiri - For parsing the Google Code XML files 3) json - For serializing the GitHub API calls 4) rest-client - For submitting the GitHub API calls

How It Works

1) Downloads the Issue Tracker feed from Google Code (caching it locally in a created xml subdirectory). Parses out all issues.

2) For each issue, downloads the Issue Comments feed from Google Code (caching it locally) and parses out all comments for the issue.

3) Does some preprocessing of the parsed out entries to add to the body of issues and comments so that the GitHub issues will be able to tell the which Google Code user opened the issue, the creation and closed date of the issue, and the Google Code user and posting date for each comment on the issue.

4) Uploads each issue to GitHub, potentially marks the issue as closed if it was closed on Google Code, and uploads each comment related to the issue.


There is very little error handling done. There are no descriptive comments in the source code.

Files uploaded to Google Code are not copied.

Labels and milestones are not copied, only the title and body of issues and the body of comments. The GitHub assignee is set to the user you provided.

If you have a problem with the script after a partial import, you can open the script and uncomment out the lines that delete existing issues. You shouldn't do this if you want to keep any existing issues, though.

This was used to convert the ruby-sequel Google Code issues to jeremyevans/sequel on GitHub. I don't plan on using it again or improving it, so if you want to make improvements, please fork.


This code is licensed under the MIT license. See the MIT-LICENSE file for details.


Jeremy Evans [email protected]
