Home > gdata-jruby-client


Gdata-jruby-client is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Google Data client libraries for JRuby

GData JRuby Client

Written at Presdo, the GData JRuby Client allows you to easily access data through Google Data APIs. It uses the GData Java Client Library from Google.

See more at http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/client-libraries.html The jar files are based on gdata-java-client v1.40.0

GData JRuby Client is released under MIT License and GData Java Client Library is released under the Apache License 2.0.

Running the test cases

To run the test case, please create 'google_key.rb' and put it inside the 'spec' folder with something similar to the following:

Use OAuth

CONSUMER_KEY = "yourdomain.com" CONSUMER_SECRET = "consumer_secret_from_google" TOKEN = "oauth_access_token" TOKEN_SECRET = "oauth_access_token_secret"

Use AuthSubToken

SESSION_TOKEN = "auth_sub_token"


To get contacts from Google:

service = GData::ContactsService.new YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME

Use OAuth

credentials = GData::GoogleOAuthParameters.new credentials.attributes = { :consumer_key => CONSUMER_KEY, :consumer_secret => CONSUMER_SECRET, :token => TOKEN, :token_secret => TOKEN_SECRET } service.oauth_credentials = credentials

Use AuthSubToken

service.auth_sub_token = { :token => SESSION_TOKEN } feed = service.find_feed(:url => GData::ContactsService::DEFAULT_CONTACTS_URI) contacts = feed.entries
