Home > GeckoStepper


GeckoStepper is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Arduino library for controlling a Gecko stepper driver. Also works with US Digital MD1 driver (tested unit)

From Arduino's website:

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.

For more information, refer to the documentation and website at: http://www.arduino.cc/

Parts of this library were modeled off of the included Arduino Stepper library (ver. 0.4), originally written by Tom Igoe. See the Arduino Stepper library for details.

This library is released into the public domain.


  GeckoStepper Library, v0.1 (Arduino-Compatible)

  Author: Christopher Whiting, June 2011


This library provides a means of controlling a GeckoDriver type motor driver using the Arduino open-source platform. The library was tested using a US Digital MD1 motor driver The available methods are listed below.

Please send comments, questions, or suggestions by using the contact form at http://physics.homelinux.com/




Create a GeckoStepperobject:

GeckoStepper(int steprev, int microstep, int stepPin, int dirPin, int disablePin) steprev - steps per revolution of the motor itself microstep - microstep resolution of stepper driver (10 = 1/10 microstep) stepPin - step pin on Arduinio hardware to driver dirPin - direction pin on Arduino hardware to driver disablePin - disable pin on Arduino hardware to driver

Set speed in RPMs of motor movement:

int setSpeed(long rpm) rpm - motor movement speed, in rotations per minute

returns: the time to delay between steps (step_delay)

Move motor by a specified number of steps

int step(int steps, int dir) steps - move motor by this many steps dir - move motor in this direction [CW|CCW]

returns: number of steps moved

Steps the motor by one step

void stepMotor(void)

Move motor by 90 or 180 degrees

int move90(int dir), move180(int dir) dir - move motor in this direction [CW|CCW]

returns: number of steps moved

Move the motor by a specified number of degrees

int moveDeg(int degrees, int dir) degrees - move motor by this many degrees dir - movethe motor inthis direction [CW|CCW]

returns: number of steps moved

Disable the motor drive

void disable(int disable) disable - set the driver's disable status [TRUE|FALSE]

  • disable=TRUE, driver is disabled
returns: void (for now...)
NOTE: this function does  not seem  to work under current test setup

Get thelibrary version

int version(void) returns: the library version
