Home > gedit-code_beautifier


Gedit-code_beautifier is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Plugin for formatting source code (Ruby, PHP, C, C++, Java)

Plugin for formatting source code (Ruby, PHP, C, C++, Java).

Installation of the plugin:

  1. copy files to folder /.gnome2/gedit/
  2. run in console: chmod +x ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/code_beautifier/astyle

This module uses external tools: to format ruby "Ruby Script Beautifier" (http://www.arachnoid.com/ruby/rubyBeautifier.html) to format PHP, C, C++, Java astyle "Artistic Style 1.24" (http://astyle.sourceforge.net/)

The last one requires compilation, so possibly you should recompile it. In this case simply replace file ~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/code_beautifier/astyle