Home > Gem-Collector-with-Gosu


Gem-Collector-with-Gosu is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

It's a videogame made with Ruby and Gosu. You can get more info in my personal page http://www.juandefrias.com

== Welcome to GEM COLLECTOR project

Gem Collector project is a Gosu game made with Ruby. Its purpose is to became a tutorial for all the people who are learning Gosu and/or Ruby, to become an example of the type of game you can get with Gosy and to have some fun with Ruby and Gosu at the same time. In the game, you have to collect all the gems and avoid beeing killed by the enemies. You have 3 lives to try it. This game uses media/map.txt to draw the map of the level. You can change this file and make your own level. You only have to know what symbol to use: . = Sky

= Floor

    " = Grass
    e = Enemy
    x = Gem
The keys are the cursors to move left, right and jump. You have to install the gosu gem, version 0.7.17, with the command "gem install gosu -v=0.7.17". To play, just type "ruby main.rb" on your console. Have fun!


Gem Collector project has been created by Juan de Frías, a Spanish Telecomumnication enginner that nowadays works as a Ruby on Rails developer. You can contact me through Github private messaging or through my different personal projects, like http://www.juandefrias.com
