Home > GenericMavenizedGAEProject


GenericMavenizedGAEProject is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and JAVA, it's free.

A template generic Maven-ized GAE project.


This sample project is suitable for git cloning and modification into your own Google App Engine application. Features

  1. Maven-ized for dependency and lifecycle management!
  2. Uses Velocity templating already preconfigured!
  3. Comes with jQuery 1.4.2!
  4. Siena persistence built-in: (Siena needs a siena.properties file to sit in the folder with the classes. So if your class is in: java/your.namespace.models then the siena.properties file must sit in resources/your.com.unintendeduse.models/
  5. GAE security preconfigured for the /admin/* folder

Git Clone this and then git pull it later if you need to get updates and features.