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Geotiq is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Projects for GEOTiQ


This module can be used to interact with your GEOTiQ device.


This module requires the "lxml" package. To install lxml, run: easy_install lxml

To install geotiq, navigate to the directory containing setup.py and run: python setup.py install

Function Reference

login(username, password) This function must be called before you use the rest of the GEOTiQ functions.

devices() Returns a list of your active device ids.

device_status(device_id) Returns the connected status of the specified device id.

device_attributes(device_id) Returns a list of all device attributes.

device_attribute(device_id, attribute) Returns the value of the specified attribute.

device_attribute(device_id, attribute, value) Sets the value of the specified attribute.

alerts(device_id) Returns a list of all alerts on the specified device.

add_alert(device_id, action, attr_name, operation, threshold, address, msg) Add an alert to the specified device. action must be one of "email", "twitter". operation must be one of "<", "<=", ">", ">=" threshold is the value of the attribute that will trigger the alert. address must be an email address or a twitter username.

remove_alert(alert_id) Deletes the specified alert.

alert_info(alert_id) Returns all info on the specified alert.
