Home > Gerlv-NosqlLogging


Gerlv-NosqlLogging is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Zend Framework component which allows to save logs to the MongoDb.

This component allows you to log your events to the database. The main purpose of it is that MongoDb uses memory at initial stage, and then every period of time it dumps the datbase to the disk. Additionally, it has no transactions. Ideally, you would feel significany increase in speed of your app.

Add following to your Bootstrap:

protected function _initLog()
    $writer = Gerlv_Log::factory(array(
        'db' => 'project',
        'collection' => 'logs'
    $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
    return $logger;

Where db is your database, and collection is the collection in that database.

In your controller, for example, add one more method: public function getLog() { $bootstrap = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap'); if (!$bootstrap->hasResource('Log')) { return false; } $log = $bootstrap->getResource('Log'); return $log; }

and use it the same way you use Zend_Log: $this->getLog()->info('message');

Requirnments: PHP5.3 Shanty-Mongo (https://github.com/coen-hyde/Shanty-Mongo)