Home > gimp-console-graphics


Gimp-console-graphics is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

loads and saves tiled video game console graphics formats using gimp

Gimp Console Graphics Plug-In

Loads tile-based video game console graphics formats (SNES, NES, etc).


  • gimp libraries
  • gimptool-2.0


GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

Compiling and Install

make and make install

Future Plans

  • load pallete from savestate (likely as separate plugin)
  • support more formats


  • "console graphics" is a tad long and ambiguous, could be confused with the green/black consoles of yesteryear.
  • converting from RGB back to Indexed will change the indexes of colors (thusly corrupting the original palette).
  • handling of images with more than max colors is shaky at best.