Home > git-explode


Git-explode is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

A bash script to turn one git repository into many


A simple bash script to take a folder and explode it into a repository for each sub-directory.

How-To Use

  • step 1: curl -s http://github.com/icco/git-explode/raw/master/git-separate.sh > git-explosion.sh
  • step 2: chmod +x git-explosion.sh
  • step 3: edit the file git-explosion.sh and change the root_folder to be the repository you are exploding
  • step 4: cp git-explosion.sh /tmp
  • step 5: cd /tmp && mkdir explode && cd explode && mv ../git-explosion.sh .
  • step 6: ./git-explosion.sh
  • step 7: cd ..; for folder in ls explode; do git clone --mirror file:///home/git/explode/$folder; done;


Since this clones, it should be ok, but backups are probably a good idea.
