Home > git-remote-couch


Git-remote-couch is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

a git-remote-helper that allows you to push source code into a CouchDB

================ git-remote-couch

Relax your source code

:Author: Filip Noetzel <http://filip.noetzel.co.uk/> :Version: v0.1a :Web: http://github.com/peritus/git-remote-couch/ :Git: git clone git://github.com/peritus/git-remote-couch.git (browse source <http://github.com/peritus/git-remote-couch/>) :Download: Downloads page on GitHub <https://github.com/peritus/git-remote-couch/downloads> :Abstract: git-remote-couch is a git-remote-helper <http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-remote-helpers.html> that allows you to push source code into a CouchDB <http://couchdb.apache.org/>_ (you can then fetch a clone from it, of course).

.. warning::

This software is very slow and a three headed monkey will eat your data! It should not be used to save valuable production source code! ALWAYS keep at least a second copy using other backup mechanisms.

.. note::

This is a fun project for me to learn some git and CouchDB internals. Also, I want to write CouchApps <http://github.com/couchapp/couchapp>_ that handle source code. Patches welcome.

Installation and Usage ++++++++++++++++++++++

First, install git-remote-couch via your favorite Python package installing mechanism, like so::

easy_install -U git-remote-couch

Then, you can start cloning a repository::

git remote add couch http+couch://localhost:5984/testrepo/ git push origin master

You can now browse your repository with CouchDB's web interface at http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?testrepo <http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?testrepo>_ or clone that repository::

git clone http+couch://localhost:5984/testrepo/ a_copy
