Home > github-cli-xref


Github-cli-xref is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

♻️ Tool to make it easy to cross-reference GitHub issues.

Create bi-directional cross-references in the comments between two different github issues.



$ ghi-xref -s bitly/bitly#123 -t bitly/bitly#456

You can also have multiple targets:

$ ghi-xref -s bitly/bitly#123 --target bitly/prototypes#456 bitly/prototypes#789 -m "For the win"
Linking bitly/bitly issue #123 to bitly/prototypes issue #456
   -> ghi -r bitly/bitly comment 123 -m "Cross referencing this issue with bitly/prototypes#456. For the win"
   -> ghi -r bitly/prototypes comment 456 -m "Cross referencing this issue with bitly/bitly#123. For the win"
Linking bitly/bitly issue #123 to bitly/prototypes issue #789
   -> ghi -r bitly/bitly comment 123 -m "Cross referencing this issue with bitly/prototypes#789. For the win"
   -> ghi -r bitly/prototypes comment 789 -m "Cross referencing this issue with bitly/bitly#123. For the win"


Screenshots (why not?)


This just pipes shit to the command line, so it requires github-cli package to be installed and properly configured.

To get that, do pip install -e git://github.com/jsmits/github-cli.git#egg=github-cli
