Home > github-font-fix


Github-font-fix is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Chrome extension to fix monospace fonts in GitHub.

Me, and I guess most other programmers have their own favourite monospace font. And they most probably have set up their browsers to use that font as the "monospace" generic font family.

But GitHub, a site for programmers, of all places, just plain ignores this preference. What's worse, they use "Courier New" (sometimes just "Courier") as a way to make my eyes hurt every time I want to read code on the site.

I have nothing against "Courier New", except for the following:

  • It is not very well suited for code listings (due to some well known almost indistinguishable glyphs), and

  • The font rendering is quite thin on my operating system, which, combined with light colors no not-really-white background makes my eyes hurt when trying to read the code.

According to [1] GitHub has decided not to do the right thing and make the programmers all around the world suffer.

This extension only provides a stylesheet that overrides all selectors that mention "Courier" by setting "font-family" to "monospace". I did this with a quick Emacs keyboard macro so it may well not be perfect, and will probably get out of date at some near point in future. But I totally refuse to invest any more time on coming up with a more reliable and "proper" solution when the right thing(TM) is for GitHub to do their homework.

Footnotes: [1] http://support.github.com/discussions/site/937-please-dont-use-specific-monospace-fonts
