Home > github_to_talker


Github_to_talker is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A simple app to rePOST GitHub commits to TalkerApp via GitHub Service Hook.

GitHub To Talker

This is actually a rack application that helps to receive POST request from your GitHub hook service and rePOSTs the commit message back to your Talker room.

Talker: http://talkerapp.com - a cool collaboration tool that I use with my friends.

How this work

  1. First you have to set the URL to your Talker room and your TALKER token key in the githubtotalker.rb file.
  2. Then, you can run your app with any webserver, for example, thin, heroku, etc.
  3. Set your POST-Receive URL in GitHub.


  1. You can actually modify the the message gets sent to Talker by playing with this app locally.
  2. I use Shotgun http://github.com/rtomayko/shotgun to run this app.
  3. Then, configure your Talker room URL and Talker token.
  4. Send the payload by calling: ./script/deliver_payload

Good luck!
