Home > github-web-repository-viewer-bamboo-plugin


Github-web-repository-viewer-bamboo-plugin is a project mainly written in Java, based on the MIT license.

Links Bamboo build changes back to the GitHub page containing the commit/diff

h1. A GitHub Web Repository Viewer Plugin for the Bamboo build server

Version 1.0.1

This is a "Bamboo Web Repository Viewer Plugin":https://developer.atlassian.com/display/BAMBOODEV/Web+Repository+Viewer+Module for Github. It automatically links your changes back to the the GitHub page containing the commit/diff.

Designed to work with Bamboo's built-in git (Bamboo version 3.0 or greater) and GitHub repositories.

More information on the "project wiki":http://wiki.github.com/andypols/github-web-repository-viewer-bamboo-plugin.

h2. Bamboo Compatibility

|. File |. Bamboo Version | | github-web-rep-viewer-1.0.0.jar | 3.0 | | github-web-rep-viewer-1.0.1.jar | 3.3.2 |

h2. Installation

Copy the github-web-rep-viewer jar to @$BAMBOO_INSTALL_DIR/webapp/WEB-INF/lib@.

h2. Build from source

Define the @bamboo.server.lib@ value in the @build.xml@ so the build has access to the bamboo jars (Bamboo is commercial, so I can't include them the github repository).

Run the @ant all@ task.