Home > GitiGitiWeb


GitiGitiWeb is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Personal Wiki Application for Django

GitiGitiWeb - personal wiki system

GitiGitiWeb is a Django application that provides read/write access to Git repositories by interfacing with git-python. Currently it is designed as a single-user system with no authentication capabilities.

It does not require database support besides Git.


  • django
  • GitPython


  • Create a new django project.

  • Copy the 'giti' folder to your project.

  • In settings.py, add 'giti' to the INSTALLED_APPS.

  • In settings.py, add '/full/path/to/giti/templates' to TEMPLATE_DIRS.

  • Now, we set up the repositories. A repository called "giti" must be present in order to use style sheets etc. Create it with the following commands:

    $ cd giti/repos/giti $ git init $ git add * $ git commit -a -m "Initial commit"

    Repeat the commands for any number of additional repositories you want to manage with GitiGitiWeb and modify settings.py to include the following.

    REPOSITORY_PATHS = { 'giti': 'giti/repos/giti', 'myrepository1': 'giti/repos/repository1', 'myrepository2': 'giti/repos/repository2', ... }

    Of course, you can use existing external repositories.

  • Add the following entry to urls.py (path is arbitrary):

    (r'^path/', include('giti.urls')),

  • Finally, run "./manage.py runserver" and point your browser to the shown URL to test-run GitiGitiWeb.


If the error "ValueError: signal only works in main thread" is raised when running GitiGitiWeb, make sure you easy_install the latest development version of the async library that comes with GitPython (http://gitorious.org/git-python).
