Home > gitup-py


Gitup-py is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

gitup in python!


Gitup in python. Original ruby-version by David Svensson

Written because I don't use ruby and I'm using windows.

This is for us working with the cmd.exe (not the Git Bash).

How to use it

General information on how to use gitup.


First, clone: git clone git://github.com/eriik/gitup-py.git

Then you've gotta know what path you're using: cd gitup-py echo %cd%

Add this path to the "enviroment variable path" by right clicking "Computer" -> "Properties" -> "Advanced System Settings" -> Tab "Advanced" -> "Enviroment Variables..."

Scroll down in the System variables to "Path", select it and choose "Edit". Go to the last character, add a semicolon and then your path. Should look something like this: [...]Program FilesMercurial;C:Program FilesGitcmd;C:Tempgitup-py

Now, just fire up cmd and use gitup and gitdown in your git-directories.


Can be possible by making .sh-files just like the .bat files, and maybe using symbolic links from /usr/sbin or something?
