Home > glark.vim


Glark.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

a wrapper for the glark command (a grep-like utility)

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1460

This plugin provides one wrapper command for the glark command:

:Glark <args>

Example: Find occurrences of "foo" and "bar" within 3 lines and display 2 lines context:

:Glark -r -C 2 --and=3 foo bar *

The arguments are passed to the glark command.

It displays the output of the glark command (see below) in a window, does some highlighting and provides some handy key maps.

If you don't want to display context information, you're probably better off by setting 'grepprg' to "glark --grep".

Be also aware that this plugin doesn't use vim's quickfix functionality as most grep plugins do.