Home > GlipBT


GlipBT is a project mainly written in PHP and SHELL, it's free.

Glip (git library in php) for Mantis Bug Tracker


GipBT is designed for two purposes. To allow MantisBT to display information on git repositories located on your server without the use of gitweb, and use git functions without the command line.

The solution to achieve this is having the git library but coded in php (glip) which is a project that has already being persued, and a MantisBT plugin based on the original gitweb plugin but modified to suit this new method of working with less requirements.

INSTALLATION In order for this plugin to function at all there are some plugins that are required to be already installed on your MantisBT site. The dependencies are:

MantisBT Core 1.2.0 Source Control Integration 0.16 Meta Programming 0.1

Which means you will need MantisBT version 1.2.0+ for the plugin to work, and also have Source Control Integration plugin version 0.16 or above installed which can be found here: http://git.mantisforge.org/w/source-integration.git and the Meta Programming version 0.1 or above installed which can be found here: http://git.mantisforge.org/w/meta.git

With those dependencies met you can install the plugin by locating to your mantisBT directory in an FTP client and navigating to the "plugins" folder and upload the unarchived folder into that directory or upload the archive and unzip it once it is on your server. Once that is completed go to your web browser and your MantisBt site.

On your MantisBT site click the link on the main menu called "manage" then on the page that loads up click "Manage plugins" on the second menu. If you uploaded the plugin correctly you should be able to see the GlipBT plugin in the "Available plugins" section and you just need to click install and installation is complete.
