Home > GMLStenciler


GMLStenciler is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

An openFrameworks tool for converting GML files into EPS stencils suitable for laser-cutting. For complete information see the link below.

{ tf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1038cocoasubrtf320 {fonttblf0fswissfcharset0 Helvetica;} {colortbl; ed255green255lue255;} margl1440margr1440vieww12240viewh15840viewkind1 pard x720 x1440 x2160 x2880 x3600 x4320 x5040 x5760 x6480 x7200 x7920 x8640qlqnaturalpardirnatural

f0fs24 cf0 This build is for Mac OSX 10.6.3 using OpenFrameworks pre release v0.061 http://www.openframeworks.cc/versions/preRelease_v0.061/of_preRelease_v0061_osxSL_FAT.zip Please see this: http://www.openframeworks.cc/news/note-for-snow-leopard-users }
