Home > gn2tw


Gn2tw is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

Convert Goolge Notebook atom(xml) to TiddlyWiki

gn2tw, is a linux command line tool to convert a Google Notebooks Atom xml file to a TiddlyWiki file. xyt. leeward.xie at gmail.com 12/14/2010

Platform: Linux.


  1. Only need to run `make' command under the project dir.


  1. libxml2
  2. libsakcore.a, which is a library of mime. I will provide it's source in the future.

Usage: $ ./gn2tw # there will be a corresponding tw html file generated.

History: 1.0

  1. Convert Atom xml file to a TW.
  2. Automatically convert note book's name and seciont title to tags in TW.
  3. Only support UTF-8 if you have non-west encoding in your note books.