Home > gnome-shell-amrita


Gnome-shell-amrita is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.



Welcome to the Amrita experience for GNOME 3!


Make sure you copy (or symlink) this directory to a directory called "Amrita" in ~/.themes/

Then, make sure you have the GNOME Shell Theme Selector extension installed.

Download it from: http://fpmurphy.com/gnome-shell-extensions/themeselector-0.9.tar.gz

...and follow the instructions in its README file.

Using the theme

When done, restart gnome-shell by pressing alt-f2 and typing "r" and enter. You will notice a flicker as gnome-shell restarts. When in overview mode, there is a new "Themes" tab the top (next to "Windows" and "Applications"). Select "Themes" and then click on the Amrita theme to switch.

Updating the theme to a new version

You can update this theme to the latest-and-greatest version from git by doing a git pull (if you checked out the theme using git). Otherwise, you may download a new version from the downloads area on github.com.


If you'd like to work on the theme (bugfixes, etc.), you're free to do so under the terms of the LGPL. I accept patches and consider suggestions.

You also can fork the theme and make your own, based on the graphics and CSS included in this one.

If you're going to make modifications for either reason, please note that the CSS is generated by SASS. The SASS file is also in SASS format (there's also SCSS format for SASS, but SASS is a little cleaner, without curlies {} or semicolons ; as it uses indention). SASS is available as a Ruby gem.

You can edit the SASS file and have it automatically watch your directory and recompile the CSS by running the following command in the theme's "gnome-shell" directory:

  sass --watch gnome-shell.sass

The SVGs are editable in Inkscape and are used directly by the theme, with the exception of the app-hover.png, as its SVG is not rendered correctly due to a bug in rsvg. Simply export the SVG from Inkscape.

When you're working on the theme, it's useful to know that you can press the keyboard combination alt-F2 to get the run dialog, then type rt to reload the theme. This works for all CSS changes. If you modify graphics, you will need to type r (and hit enter, just like with rt) instead.

If you make a mistake in the SASS file, the sass comannd will tell you. (There are a few warnings, but that's just because I've left in IDs and classes for future reference. SASS simply warns you that they're getting compiled out to nothing in the CSS, since each is empty. Ignore these warnings.)

Et cetera

I hope you enjoy the theme, and be sure to give me feedback!

Get the latest version of the theme at: https://github.com/garrett/gnome-shell-amrita

Report bugs and add feature requests at: https://github.com/garrett/gnome-shell-amrita/issues

Thanks! Garrett
