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Gobuild is a project mainly written in Go, based on the View license.

Automatic build tool for go programs and libraries.


gobuild is an automatic build tool that aims to replace Makefiles for simple projects written in the Go programming language. It creates a dependency graph of all local imports and compiles them in the right order using the gc Go compiler.


gobuild comes with a Makefile, so running 'make' and 'make install' will build and install it.

If you have an older version of gobuild, running gobuild without parameters inside the source directory should be enough to compile it.


Only pure Go code is supported right now. Building something that needs C code won't work.

Building an executable:

For most simple applications it should be enough to run gobuild without any parameters. If there are multiple main functions in different files you have to give the file name for one or more of these files in the command line. You can also build all of them with the -a option.

Files that are inside the main package but don't have a main function will be included by default. To prevent this you can use the option -single-main.

Building a library:

Library files (.a) can be build by running 'gobuild -lib' inside the source directory of your files. Each package will result in its own library file. If you want to build only certain packages you can give their names as parameters to gobuild.


If there are any files ending in _test.go you can build a test-executable with 'gobuild -t'. This will create a new executable called '_testmain'. Test/Benchmark functions must match the official naming convention, see http://golang.org/doc/code.html#Testing for more details. To run the test you can either run 'gobuild -t -run' or run the _testmain executable after gobuild. Both methods can have any of the these additional command line options: -match/-benchmarks/-v. Without any options, all tests will be run but none of the benchmarks. To run the benchmarks, use '-benchmarks="."'.

The output of a gobuild test-executable is a bit different from what gotest does. In addition to "PASS"/"FAIL" or timing values it will also print out the package name that is being tested/benchmarked. The exit code will still be 1 if any test failed.


gobuild [options] [gofile(s)] gobuild -lib [options] [gopackage(s)] gobuild -t [options]

gofile(s) For building an executable you can give one or more go-file names that must have a main function inside. The resulting executable will be called after the filename, but without extension. This parameter is optional if there's only one main file or the parameter -a is given.

gopackage(s) If building a library you can give a list of packages that should be build. Only those packages will be build into libraries.

-a Build all executables.

-benchmarks Same syntax as in gotest. This will only be used together with -t -run. Any Bench* function that matches the regular expression will be run during the benchmarks. If this is empty no benchmarks will be run.

-clean Deletes all temporary files. Files are the same as 'make clean' and it is possible that this will delete important files if called inside the wrong directory.

-include-hidden Include files in hidden directories and hidden files.

-keep-a-files Prevents the automatic deletion of .a files for packages that are inside the current src directory. Not deleting .a files can lead to errors so only use this option if you know what you are doing.

-lib Build all packages, excluding the main package, into library files (.a).

-match Same syntax as in gotest. This will only be used together with -t -run. Any Test* function that matches the regular expression will be run during testing. If this is empty all tests will be run.

-o <filename/dir> This parameter can either have a filename or a directory as parameter. File names only work for executables while directories will also work when building librarys. If building an executable without giving an output file name the default name will be the same as the .go file name without extension.

-q Quiet mode, only print warnings and errors (overwrites -v).

-qq Quieter mode, only print errors (overwrites -v and -q).

-run Runs all executables after building them. If used together with -t it will run the _testmain executable and pass over any of these options: -benchmarks/-match/-v. To quiet the build process, use either -q or -qq.

-single-main Don't include files from the main package without main function to the one with main function when compiling.

-t Build all _test.go files into a single _testmain application. This option will create a temporary file called _testmain.go (and overwrite any existing file with that name). Tests are run for each package seperately so the test output is a bit different from what gotest produces. To run the tests either run _testmain after building it, or use the additional command line option -run. With -run -benchmarks/-match/-v will also be passed on to _testmain.

-v Verbose mode, print debug messages.