Home > GoearBestMatch


GoearBestMatch is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

Bash shell script that downloads a song from Goear finding the best match

++++++++++++++ GoearBestMatch ++++++++++++++

This is a Linux Bash script released under GPL v2.0 license. Use it under Terms Of Service of goear.com

This script will download the song we want from goear.com trying to find the best match possible, in other words, the right song and version of the song.

+++++++++++++ How to use it +++++++++++++

./GoearBestMatch options "songTitle [] Artist"

OPTIONS: -h Shows script help -b Searches for the songtitle and artist together. -n Searches for the songtitle and uses the artist to improve matching Recommended if -b fails at finding a match

example: ./GoearBestMatch -b "Pruebalo [] sfdk"

++++++++ Wrappers ++++++++

Some of GoearBestMatch filters were developed to improve matching of Dance music. That's why the first wrapper for this script is called 51chart.sh

Just put 51chart.sh and GoearBestMatch.sh in the same folder, better if we use an empty one. Then execute 51chart: ./51chart

It will find the 51chart hits from maxima.fm Spanish Dance Radio Station titles and artist of the moment and tell GoearBestMatch to download them.

Please fell free to develop other wrappers and submit them at Github.

+++++++ Contact +++++++ This script has been developed by Miguel Araujo Pérez Personal website: http://toThinkOrNotToThink.com contact e-mail: [email protected] You can find the latest version and branches at Github.

Thanks for downloading