Home > google-to-alpine


Google-to-alpine is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Ruby script to sync Google contacts via googlecl to an Alpine-readable addressbook


This implements a simple translation from contacts linked to a Google account to a Pine/Alpine addressbook.


Install http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/.


If the google script from googlecl is in your $PATH, you can dump your Google Contacts out to an addressbook:

./google-to-alpine > ~/google.addressbook

If it's not in your $PATH:

./google-to-alpine --google /path/to/googlecl/installation > ~/google.addressbook

If you don't use any other Alpine address books, you can dump it as the default:

!WARNING: this will overwrite an existing address book!

./google-to-alpine > ~/.addressbook

To limit the search to a subset of your contacts, use the --search flag:

./google-to-alpine --search Jeff