Home > google-translate-idea-plugin


Google-translate-idea-plugin is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Using google translate service within Intellij IDEA IDE editors.

google-translate-idea-plugin ver. 1.1.0 (for IDEA 9)

This plugin performs translations in Editor window from one language to another. It uses "translate.google.com" service behind the scene.

Plugin is especially convenient when you are trying to translate long i18n.property files in your project for different languages.

Plugin adds "Translate" item into popup menu for the editor (also, in "Code" menu and "Generate" group). It also have separate configuration screen for selecting "from" and "to" languages.

How to use
  1. Select the part to be translated;
  2. Select "Translate" item from the editor popup menu;
  3. "translate.google.com" web site will perform actual translation;
  4. Response from the service will be inserted in place of selection.

Author: Alexander Shvets (mailto:[email protected]).
