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Gosec is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Command line utility (bash script) to search Google and append link-results in a file.



| | | --| -| __| author: Rishi Narang

|_ |___|||____| e.mail: code[at]wtfuzz.com


gosec.sh: [GO]ogle [SE]arch [C]ommand - A Linux Bash Script


File "gosec.sh" is command line utility developed as bash script to search Google for a particular query string. It searches the google.com to find the top URLs and lists them on the screen as well as in the file URLS_ for reference where is the search string.


USAGE: ./gosec.sh {search string}

./gosec.sh test example URL results will be saved in the file "URLS_test.example"

./gosec.sh how are you trends URL results will be saved in the file "URLS_how.are.you.trends"


Following commands are needed to be working in the linux-box, in addition to normal linux commands (echo, if/else etc.),

  1. lynx
  2. sed
  3. awk


For any suggestions and/or questions contact me at, e.mail: code[at]wtfuzz.com weblog: www.wtfuzz.com
