Home > GPS-Navigation-Java-


GPS-Navigation-Java- is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

GPS navigation software is used to guide drivers to their desired destination. Also, used for Geocaching, a “high-tech treasure hunting game” where you navigate and try to find treasures, called geocaches, outdoors and indoors and


Requirements of the project

The project shall deliver a GPS navigation software based on the GPSMAP 62st including modifications, such as creative additions and improvements. In addition to this. The design shall be implemented, and result in working and tested software. The functional requirements are at a minimum that the navigation system:


The software is written in Java.


Amir Almasi [email protected]


It is a free software. you will find more information about the license in the license file.

Pre conditions of software

**** Pre conditions of usage ***** The system should be connected to the Internet, and the GPS unit should be plugged into the computer. *How to find the shortest path from current location of the system*** If the sign of the mouse shows a hand on the map, there could be a path to this point from the current location of the system which would be shown if the user clicks on that point.

How to tun the software on Linux

**** HOW TO INSTALL FOR LINUX ** This section is specifically for how to run the software on the Linux platform. Please note that
the software can only be run on windows and Linux operative systems. Any attempt on running the software on a
Mac operative system may result in complete failure and/or some parts of the software to not run properly. The software will run good on Linux, however the things that you as a user have to do, in order to receive
coordinates and your position on the map is as follows: open the Linux file and choose i686-unknown-linux-gnu. Inside of it you will find : librxtxParallel.so librxtxSerial.so Copy these files inside /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre/lib/i386/ You can also choose a different librxtxSerial.so depending on what system you are running as available inside of Linux file. FINAL STEP: now copy the RXTXcomm.jar into the following link /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre/lib/ext/ the file path may vary on your computer so please adjust it accordingly.

How to tun the software on Windows

***** HOW TO INSTALL FOR WINDOWS ** Same as Linux, the only setting that has to be made is for the receiving of coordinates. the system will work properly after the following settings: Choose your binary build - x64 or x86 (based on which version of the JVM you are installing to) NOTE: You MUST match your architecture. You can't install the i386 version on a 64-bit version of the JDK and vice-versa. For a JDK installation: Copy RXTXcomm.jar ---> \jre\lib\ext Copy rxtxSerial.dll ---> \jre\bin Copy rxtxParallel.dll ---> \jre\bin

Software features:

***** How to show Geocaches ****

Note: If the user wishes to be directed to any of the Geocaches, he should click on that point so that related sounds and features would be set for him and the program would lead him to that point.

*** How to Save and Load the locations **** For saving: Go to the top menu, select file ---> select Save. For Loading: Either Go to the top menu, select file ---> select Load or Select Load from the bottom of the screen.

** How to change the color of the theme **

** How to get help ***

*** How to Exit the program **
