Home > grabby


Grabby is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A replacement for Grab Up written in Ruby.

A replacement for Grab Up written in Ruby.

== Dependencies

  1. sudo gem install daemons
  2. sudo gem install ruby-growl

== Configuration

  1. Copy grabby.yml.example to grabby.yml. Change the options in there as you see fit.
  2. If you are using Growl, go to System Preferences > Growl > Network. Enable "Listen for incoming notifications" and "Allow remote application registration."

== Run it

  1. Go to the directory containing grabby.rb in your terminal.
  2. ./grabby.rb run
  3. Take a screen shot and see it upload!
  4. Ctrl-c kills it.
  5. You can run Grabby in the background using grabby.rb start|restart|stop or by using the Mac OS X Launch Agent.

== Mac OS X Launch Agent To automatically run Grabby at login:

  1. Edit com.nchapman.grabby.plist and correct the path to grabby.rb.
  2. Copy com.nchapman.grabby.plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents.
  3. In the terminal run: launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nchapman.grabby.plist.