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Grails-osgi-plugin is a project mainly written in GROOVY and JAVA, based on the View license.

OSGi plugin for Grails: run Grails application within an OSGi container

h1. Grails OSGi plugin

h2. About

The Grails OSGi plugin adds support to package and run a Grails application as an OSGi bundle. The bundle(s) may be run in an ad hoc assembled OSGi container or deployed to an external OSGi app server such as "SpringSource DM Server":http://www.springsource.org/dmserver, "Eclipse Virgo":http://eclipse.org/virgo/, or "Apache Karaf":http://karaf.apache.org/.

See also "Grails on OSGi":http://blog.jetztgrad.net/grails-on-osgi/ for details on running Grails applications in an OSGi environment.

h2. License

The OSGi plugin is released under the "Apache License 2.0":http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt.

h2. Installation

Simply call @grails install-plugin osgi@ to install the OSGi plugin.

In @Config.groovy@, the @java.util.logging@ Bridge must be disabled:

bc. grails.logging.jul.usebridge = false

h2. Usage

h3. Creating an OSGi bundle from the Grails application

@grails bundle@ @grails prod bundle@

h3. Running the bundle

@grails run-bundle@ @grails prod run-bundle@

The application can be accessed at "http://localhost:8080/myapp-0.1/":http://localhost:8080/myapp-0.1/.

Note: at first start the OSGi runtime is assembled, which may take some time, while Ivy is downloading the Internet...

Note: if the bundle exists, it won't be re-created automatically after changes. So for now use parameter @-forceBundle@ after changing something in the Grails app: @grails run-bundle -forceBundle@

h3. Accessing the bundle context

The "bundle context":http://www.osgi.org/javadoc/r4v42/org/osgi/framework/BundleContext.html is the primary interface to the OSGi framework. It can be used to find and register services and interact the environment.

The bundle context is available from Grails' parent ApplicationContext as bean @bundleContext@. It can be injected into all Spring-managed beans, i.e. all Grails artifacts, like Controllers, Services, etc.

In order to get a reference to the BundleContext, an artifact needs to define a reference with the name @bundleContext@.

Example: controller accessing bundle context

bc. class OsgiTestController { def bundleContext def index = { def bundles = [] if (bundleContext) { bundles = bundleContext.bundles } else { flash.message = "bundleContext NOT available" } [ bundles: bundles ] } }

h2. Deployment

Automatic deployment is not yet implemented. In order to deploy the OSGi-fied Grails application, the generated bundle (i.e. the war file @target/myapp-version.war@) and all required bundles need to installed in your OSGi application server. A list of required bundles with download URLs can be generated with @grails list-bundles@. OSGi application servers, such as SpringSource dmServer, Apache Karaf, or Eclipse Virgo, usually offer a pickup directory, which can be used to hot deploy bundles. Simply drop the war file and all dependencies (if not installed otherwise) into this directory and you are good to go.

Later versions of the OSGi plugin will automate this process.

h2. Roadmap

  • make bundle generation configurable (e.g. include/exclude dependencies, ...)
  • make OSGi runtime created by @grails run-bundle@ and @grails assemble-osgi-runtime@ configurable
  • support auto-reloading of changed artifacts
  • create sub class of GrailsApplicationContext, which implements "ConfigurableOsgiBundleApplicationContext":http://static.springsource.org/osgi/snapshot-site/apidocs/org/springframework/osgi/context/ConfigurableOsgiBundleApplicationContext.html
  • export main Grails beans and application context as OSGi service
  • export services as OSGi service (via @static expose = 'osgi'@)
  • implement deployment to "SpringSource DM Server":http://www.springsource.org/dmserver or its successor "Eclipse Virgo":http://eclipse.org/virgo/
  • implement deployment to "Apache Karaf":http://karaf.apache.org/
  • Spring DM has been donated to Eclipse, so it should be replaced by its successor "Eclipse Gemini":http://eclipse.org/gemini/

h2. History

h3. 0.2 (2010-07-11)

  • using Spring DM instead of Pax Web as Web extender
  • updated Apache Felix WebConsole
  • replaced (most) dependencies from bundle by OSGi bundles from the "SpringSource Enterprise Repository":http://www.springsource.com/repository
  • provide access to OSGi @BundleContext@ to artifacts (controllers, services, ...) via Spring injection as bean @bundleContext@:

h3. 0.1 (2010-01-03)

  • initial version
  • uses PAX Runner to run osgi-fied Grails app
  • Grails app is war'ed and extended with required OSGi bundle headers to create a single, big, monolithic bundle

h2. How it works

In order to be a valid OSGi bundle, the application is war'ed and provided with the necessary bundle manifest headers (see @scripts/_Events.groovy@ for details). The bundle can be created using @grails bundle@.

The OSGi runtime is assembled in the @target/osgi@ directory and uses the "Eclipse Equinox":http://eclipse.org/equinox/ OSGi framework, "Spring DM":http://www.springsource.org/osgi.

In the current version, most libraries from @WEB-INF/lib@ are replaced by equivalent OSGi bundles from the "SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository":http://www.springsource.com/repository/app/ (EBR). Only Hibernate and Grails libs retain in the bundle.

Grails jars already are OSGi bundles, but they cannot currently be installed cleanly in a OSGi container, as they contain circular dependencies and some other dependencies can not be satisfied (e.g. the Radeox library used by the Grails Wiki is no longer maintained, but it shouldn't be referenced from the Grails runtime anyway...).

There are bundles for Hibernate but due to a bug (possibly in Equinox), Hibernate Cache can not be resolved by the Spring ORM module (see "SPR-7003":https://issues.springsource.org/browse/SPR-7003 for a description of this problem).

The parent ApplicationContext has been replaced in @web.xml@ by an OSGi-aware variant: "OsgiBundleXmlWebApplicationContext":http://static.springsource.org/osgi/snapshot-site/apidocs/org/springframework/osgi/web/context/support/OsgiBundleXmlWebApplicationContext.html. It knows how to "export":http://static.springsource.org/osgi/docs/2.0.0.M1/reference/html/service-registry.html#service-registry:export and "import":http://static.springsource.org/osgi/docs/2.0.0.M1/reference/html/service-registry.html#service-registry:refs OSGi services as/from Spring beans through Spring XML files. These features are currently hidden, but they will be exposed in the next version of the OSGi plugin and made easier through the BeanBuilder DSL and the "OSGi namespace":http://static.springsource.org/osgi/docs/2.0.0.M1/reference/html/service-registry.html.

h2. Getting around the OSGi runtime

h3. Web Console

The "Felix Web Management Console":http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-web-console.html provides excellent insight into the inner workings. It can be accessed at "http://localhost:8081/system/console/":http://localhost:8081/system/console/ with user "admin" and password "admin" (Note: the web console runs on a different port!).

h3. Shell Console

The command @grails run-bundle@ drops the user in the Equinox Shell (press @RETURN@ if you don't see the @osgi>@ prompt). Running @grails run-bundle -remoteConsole []@ opens a console with telnet access on the specified port or on port @8023@, if omitted. Only a single user can use the console at any time.

Typing @help@ shows the available commands:

bc. osgi> help ---Controlling the OSGi framework--- launch - start the OSGi Framework shutdown - shutdown the OSGi Framework close - shutdown and exit exit - exit immediately (System.exit) init - uninstall all bundles setprop = - set the OSGi property ---Controlling Bundles--- install - install and optionally start bundle from the given URL uninstall - uninstall the specified bundle(s) start - start the specified bundle(s) stop - stop the specified bundle(s) refresh - refresh the packages of the specified bundles update - update the specified bundle(s) ---Displaying Status--- status [-s [] []] - display installed bundles and registered services ss [-s [] []] - display installed bundles (short status) services [filter] - display registered service details packages [||] - display imported/exported package details bundles [-s [] []] - display details for all installed bundles bundle (|) - display details for the specified bundle(s) headers (|) - print bundle headers log (|) - display log entries ---Extras--- exec - execute a command in a separate process and wait fork - execute a command in a separate process gc - perform a garbage collection getprop [ name ] - displays the system properties with the given name, or all of them. ---Controlling Start Level--- sl [|] - display the start level for the specified bundle, or for the framework if no bundle specified setfwsl - set the framework start level setbsl (|) - set the start level for the bundle(s) setibsl - set the initial bundle start level ---Controlling the Profiling--- profilelog - Display & flush the profile log messages ---Eclipse Runtime commands--- diag - Displays unsatisfied constraints for the specified bundle(s). enableBundle - enable the specified bundle(s) disableBundle - disable the specified bundle(s) disabledBundles - list disabled bundles in the system ---Controlling the Console--- more - More prompt for console output

The command @ss@ (for short status) shows all bundles with their respective state:

bc. osgi> ss

Framework is launched.

id State Bundle 0 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.0.v20100517 1 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi.util_3.2.100.v20100503 2 ACTIVE org.eclipse.osgi.services_3.2.100.v20100503 3 ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.6.0.v20100503 4 ACTIVE org.apache.felix.configadmin_1.2.4 5 ACTIVE org.apache.felix.fileinstall_2.0.8 6 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.log4j_1.2.15 7 ACTIVE org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-api_1.4.0 8 ACTIVE org.ops4j.pax.logging.pax-logging-service_1.4.0 9 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.annotation_1.0.0 10 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.el_1.0.0 11 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.ejb_3.0.0 12 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.mail_1.4.1 13 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.persistence_1.99.0 14 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.transaction_1.1.0 15 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.servlet_2.5.0 16 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.servlet.jsp_2.1.0 17 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.servlet.jsp.jstl_1.2.0 18 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.jms_1.1.0 19 ACTIVE com.springsource.javax.xml.rpc_1.1.0 20 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.mortbay.jetty.server_6.1.9 21 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.mortbay.util_6.1.9 22 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.jetty.start.osgi_1.0.0 23 RESOLVED org.springframework.osgi.jetty.web.extender.fragment.osgi_1.0.1 Master=85 24 ACTIVE org.apache.felix.http.jetty_2.0.4 25 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.beanutils_1.8.0 26 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.collections_3.2.1 27 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.codec_1.3.0 28 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.dbcp_1.2.2.osgi 29 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.el_1.0.0 30 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.digester_1.8.1 31 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.fileupload_1.2.1 32 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.httpclient_3.1.0 33 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.io_1.4.0 34 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.lang_2.4.0 35 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.pool_1.5.3 36 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.commons.validator_1.3.1 37 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.oro_2.0.8 38 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.ivy_2.1.0 39 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.tools.ant_1.7.1 40 ACTIVE com.springsource.antlr_2.7.7 41 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.dom4j_1.6.1 42 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.aspectj.runtime_1.6.8.RELEASE 43 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.aspectj.weaver_1.6.8.RELEASE 44 ACTIVE com.springsource.com.opensymphony.sitemesh_2.4.1 45 ACTIVE com.springsource.javassist_3.9.0.GA 46 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.objectweb.asm_1.5.3 47 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.jboss.cache_3.2.0.GA 48 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.jboss.util_2.2.13.GA 49 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.jboss.logging_2.0.5.GA 50 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.jgroups_2.5.1 51 ACTIVE com.springsource.net.sf.ehcache_1.6.2 52 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.hibernate.annotations.common_3.3.0.ga 53 RESOLVED com.springsource.org.hibernate.annotations_3.4.0.GA Master=54 54 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.hibernate_3.3.2.GA Fragments=53 55 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.xmlpull_1.1.4.c 56 RESOLVED com.springsource.org.apache.xerces_2.9.1 Master=60 57 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.xalan_2.7.1 58 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.xml.serializer_2.7.1 59 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.xml.resolver_1.2.0 60 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.xmlcommons_1.3.4 Fragments=56 61 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.apache.xml.security_1.4.2 62 ACTIVE org.springframework.aop_3.0.3.RELEASE 63 ACTIVE org.springframework.asm_3.0.3.RELEASE 64 ACTIVE org.springframework.aspects_3.0.3.RELEASE 65 ACTIVE org.springframework.beans_3.0.3.RELEASE 66 ACTIVE org.springframework.context_3.0.3.RELEASE 67 ACTIVE org.springframework.context.support_3.0.3.RELEASE 68 ACTIVE org.springframework.core_3.0.3.RELEASE 69 ACTIVE org.springframework.expression_3.0.3.RELEASE 70 ACTIVE org.springframework.instrument_3.0.3.RELEASE 71 ACTIVE org.springframework.jdbc_3.0.3.RELEASE 72 ACTIVE org.springframework.jms_3.0.3.RELEASE 73 ACTIVE org.springframework.orm_3.0.3.RELEASE 74 ACTIVE org.springframework.oxm_3.0.3.RELEASE 75 ACTIVE org.springframework.transaction_3.0.3.RELEASE 76 ACTIVE org.springframework.web_3.0.3.RELEASE 77 ACTIVE org.springframework.web.servlet_3.0.3.RELEASE 78 ACTIVE com.springsource.org.aopalliance_1.0.0 79 ACTIVE com.springsource.net.sf.cglib_2.2.0 80 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.core_2.0.0.M1 81 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.extender_2.0.0.M1 82 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.io_2.0.0.M1 83 INSTALLED org.springframework.osgi.test_2.0.0.M1 84 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.web_2.0.0.M1 85 ACTIVE org.springframework.osgi.web.extender_2.0.0.M1 Fragments=23 86 INSTALLED org.grails.osgi_1.3.2 87 INSTALLED org.grails.crud_1.3.2 88 INSTALLED org.grails.gorm_1.3.2 89 INSTALLED org.grails.resources_1.3.2 90 INSTALLED org.grails.spring_1.3.2 91 INSTALLED org.grails.web_1.3.2 92 ACTIVE gant_1.9.1 93 ACTIVE groovy-all_1.7.3 94 ACTIVE gant_1.9.2 95 ACTIVE org.apache.felix.webconsole_2.0.2 96 ACTIVE tripper_0.1.0 osgi>