Home > grails-picasa


Grails-picasa is a project mainly written in GROOVY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Picasa plug-in for Grails

Copyright 2010 Anthony Campbell

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Grails Picasa Plug-in

A simple plug-in which provides a photo gallery driven through a Google Picasa Web Album account. Ajax forms provided by the "remote-forms" skin available through the skin-loader plug-in.

If you find any issues, please submit a bug on JIRA:


Please look at the CHANGES file to see what has changed since the last official release.

Upgrading from an earlier release

There shouldn't be any issues upgrading from an earlier release.


To install the plug-in from the repository enter the following command:

grails install-plugin picasa


Once installed your new picasa gallery will be available at the following URL:


The Picasa photo gallery implements a RESTful style URL which is not configured by default in the downloaded binary. Therefore, you must update your grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy file to include the following mapping block:

"/album/list/feed/$feed" {
    controller = "album"
    action = "list"

"/photo/list/$albumId" {
    controller = "photo"
    action = "list"

"/photo/list/$albumId/feed/$feed" {
    controller = "photo"
    action = "list"

"/photo/ajaxList/$albumId" {
    controller = "photo"
    action = "ajaxList"

"/photo/ajaxList/$albumId/feed/$feed" {
    controller = "photo"
    action = "ajaxList"

"/photo/show/$albumId/$photoId" {
    controller = "photo"
    action = "show"

"/photo/ajaxShow/$albumId/$photoId" {
    controller = "photo"
    action = "ajaxShow"

"/photo/comments/$albumId/$photoId" {
    controller = "photo"
    action = "comments"

"/tag/show/$id/feed/$feed" {
    controller = "tag"
    action = "show"

"/tag/list/feed/$feed" {
    controller = "tag"
    action = "list"

"/comment/list/feed/$feed" {
    controller = "comment"
    action = "list"

"/comment/ajaxList/feed/$feed" {
    controller = "comment"
    action = "ajaxList"

The next step is to provide the Picasa plug-in your Google Picasa web album account details, and the Google Picasa OAuth URLs. These details should be inserted into the grails-app/conf/Config.groovy file. The following shows an example Picasa configuration block:

picasa {
    // Required
    username = "[email protected]"
    password = "password"
    imgmax = 800
    thumbsize = 72
    maxResults = 500

    // Optional
    max = 10
    maxSteps = 5
    maxKeywords = 100
    maxComments = 10
    maxCommentSteps = 5
    showPrivateAlbums = false
    showPrivatePhotos = false
    useTagCache = false
    allowComments = true
    backgroundRetrieveLimit = 5
    useGridListing = false

    // Feeds
    rssManagingEditor = "Joe Bloggs"

    // Google Maps
    maps {
        width = 250
        height = 250
        zoom = 14

oauth {
    picasa {
        requestTokenUrl = "https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken"
        accessTokenUrl = "https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken"
        authUrl = "https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken?hd=default"
        scope = "http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/"
        consumer.key = "anonymous"
        consumer.secret = "anonymous"
        signed = true

Configuration properties:

* username - Your Google Picasa web album username.
* password - Your Google Picasa web album password.
* imgmax - The maximum width of each photo viewed through
        the photo controller.
* thumbsize - The maximum width of each album's and photo's
* maxResults - The maximum number of results to be returned
        when performing queries. This is used when making
        requests through the tag controller.
* max - The maximum number of listing displayed per page.
* maxSteps - The maximum number of steps displayed in the
        pagination block.
* maxKeywords - The maximum number of keywords displayed in
        the tag listing result set.
* maxComments - The maximum number of comments displayed in
        the show photo view.
* maxCommentSteps - The maximum number of steps displayed in the
        comment pagination block.
* showPrivateAlbums - Whether to include private albums in all
        album requests.
* showPrivatePhotos - Whether to include private photos in all
        photo requests.
* allowComments - Allow users to post photo comments.
* allowCache - Stores locally the responses returned from the Google
        Picasa web service. Reduces web service calls to the Google
        GData API and increases performance.
* cacheTimeout - How long the cache is valid before being purged.
* backgroundRetrieveLimit - Used by the background thread to limit the
        number of previous and subsequent photos retrieved.
* useGridListing - By default, display albums and photos using a
        grid layout.
* rssManagingEditor = Name of author managing the RSS feed.
* maps.width = Width of the Google Maps tiles used when showing
        photo / album GEO locations.
* maps.height = Height of the Google Maps tiles used when showing
        photo / album GEO locations.
* maps.zoom = Zoom of the Google Maps tiles used when showing
        photo / album GEO locations.

Note: The properties imgmax and thumbsize are subject to a valid set of values detailed by the API's reference guide.

Further documentation:

The picasa plug-in is driven through the Google Picasa Web Album API. For additional configuration and feature information please refer to the following documentation:


For further information regarding OAuth please refer to the following documentation:


For further information regarding URL mapping please refer to the following documentation:



If you wish to contribute to the project you can find the latest source code on GitHub:
