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Graphene is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Graphene band structure project for class

3rd project for computational physics class: graphene band structure


GCC GSL Python 3 Numpy


To use the c-anderson-* scripts, the C program must first be compiled. To do so, simply run make. This will also compile the report (report/report.pdf) in the process.

== USAGE ==

./anderson-ipr Find the inverse participation ratio for graphene using the Anderson model.

./anderson-spacing Plot the density of spacing between energy levels of graphene using the Anderson model.

./anderson-states Plot the density of states (energy levels) of graphene using the Andreson model.

./c-anderson-(ipr|spacing|states) Same as anderson-(ipr|spacing|states), but written in C.

./energies Plot the energy graphene as a function of the wavevector (3D plot) using an analytic model.

./states Plot the density of states (energy levels) of graphene using an analytic model.
