Home > Gravity-Framework


Gravity-Framework is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

SASS based front end developer framework

Gravity CSS Framework

AUTHOR: Owain Lewis URL: www.owainlewis.com

Creative Commons (cc) Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/

Inspired by many great people and projects.

A lightweight but powerful boilerplate framework for building HTML5 websites that uses SASS as the core styling engine.


  1. HTML5 ready
  2. SASS support
  3. Built for rapid prototyping
  4. Media query framework
  5. ECMA5 javascript shim
  6. Shims for HTML5 support
  7. Pre built css3 mixins

Mobile support/version coming soon.

Instructions (MAC OSX)

You need SASS installed http://sass-lang.com


  1. mkdir myproject
  2. cd myproject
  3. Copy the framework into your new project directory
  4. Run this command: sass --watch stylesheets/style.scss:stylesheets/style.css --style compressed

That's it. Enjoy. If you have any questions about this framework email [email protected].

