Home > greplist.vim


Greplist.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

vimgrep location list manager

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2007

This plug-in is for someone who often does multi-file search in multiple locations and these locations often change when for example you work on several different projects. It helps to maintain a list of frequently used vimgrep locations and defines commands to edit a list and to perform a search in the selected locations.

:GrepListConfig command loads a list for editing. A list is kept in "$HOME/_vimgrep" file or in "$VIM/_vimgrep" file if $HOME is not defined. If "_vimgrep" file does not exist or empty, a sample list is created. Status line shows useful normal mode mappings: 'q' - abandon any changes and wipe the buffer 's' - save the changes and wipe the buffer ' ' - select/deselect current line (selected lines start with '+')

:GrepListFind(mode) command prompts for the string to find and starts the vimgrep search in the selected locations. The default value for the search string is either the current visual selection (mode != 0) or the current word (mode == 0). Plug-in automatically surrounds the search string with '/' and adds 'j' option.

As usual, it is more convenient to create mappings for these commands. For example: noremap :GrepListFind 0 inoremap :GrepListFind 0 vnoremap :GrepListFind 1

For more information please see the source code -- it is small and easy to read.