Home > greyarea


Greyarea is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A tool to reorganise CSS into a potentially more efficient layout

       ___________   ____ ___ __  _____ _______   ____ _____   
      / ____  __ _/ __ <   |  | __  _  __ _/ __ __    
     / /_/  >  | /  ___/___  |  / __ |  | /  ___/ / __ _
     ___  /|__|    ___  > ____| (____  /__|    ___  >____  /
    /_____/             //           /            /     / 

A tool to re-organise a CSS file in a potentially more efficient way, inspired by Jens Meiert's article "CSS: Using every declaration just once" [1]


  • The output is only potentially smaller. In my personal tests, I've found that the output is generally between 30% smaller and 30% larger.
  • The input is expected to be simple well-formed CSS with no comments; i.e. the sort of thing that a normal CSS minifier would output.

Usage: greyarea in.css out.css greyarea in.css >output greyarea output

Credit: Shish [email protected]

The Name:

  • It works on the principle of multiple selectors, one declaration
  • A dinghy has multiple sitters and one deck
  • The name of my last dinghy was GCU Grey Area
  • The process of rearranging the CSS file is potentially dangerous because CSS uses position within the file as a priority tiebreaker, so this tool being a good idea or not is a grey area :-)

References: [1] http://code.google.com/speed/articles/optimizing-css.html